Five Reports Every Club Should Look At

In the past few years, we have worked with dozens of private clubs to help them derive insights from their data to make better decisions. We have learned a lot in this process and would like to share what we learned with the private club community. In our opinion, data is one of the most underutilized assets in most clubs because it costs too much time and money to produce reports. Many clubs only produce basic reports that tell them where they are but fall short in using data to show the “why” and even indicate the actions to take. With our help, they were able to add more real-time and actionable reports that can be used to directly cut costs, increase revenue, and improve member services. Here are five of those reports that our customers find very helpful.


Report 1 – Food & Beverage Productivity

This report measures total hours, hours per cover, total staff pay, average hourly rate, and wage as % of sales for every restaurant/department in real-time.

F&B directors can look at this report on a weekly basis to determine if there is overstaffing or understaffing in any restaurants or departments, and take proper actions.

Click on the image to enlarge


Report 2 – Flash Sales Reports

Isn’t it always good to know how you are doing compared to last year? Flash Sales Reports do just that. They usually have a summary page that shows you Year-to-date (till yesterday) sales vs Prior Year in all club areas (e.g. F&B, Pro Shop, Club Events, Banquets, etc.) with links to much more detailed reports for each individual area. On the detail reports, Week-to-date, Month-to-date numbers are also shown, and compared with the corresponding prior year numbers.

Club directors can get a glance at current sales performance, and go to each individual area to find out why sales are up or down.

Click on the image to enlarge

Report 3 – Food & Beverage Forecast

It’s always a good thing to plan ahead! The Food & Beverage Forecast report combines historical F&B sales data with reservations data and give F&B directors a fairly accurate view of what’s coming up in the next few weeks.

This report can be used to optimize staffing, and improve inventory planning.

Click on the image to enlarge



Report 4 – Members At Risk

Some clubs have a big member attrition problem, while others have multiple-year waiting list. Regardless of which type your club falls into, keeping your members happy is always a priority. Member engagement is a good indicator on how happy members are with the club. Members At Risk report monitors every member’s activity level, and singles out the ones who barely come to the club. Membership can reach out to them to find out why the low usage and address the issues if any. 


Click on the image to enlarge

Report 5 – F&B and Shop Sales Driven by Other Activities

When members visit the club for activities like golf, tennis, club event, or overnight room, how much additional money do they spend on F&B and Pro/Golf shop?

A good understanding of additional spending driven by other activities is important for clubs. First, it helps F&B directors to plan for the additional traffic. It also help to justify further investments to increase those activities. 

Click on the image to enlarge

I hope you find these reports useful in your day-to-day work. If you have any comments or you have other reports that worth sharing with the community, please feel free to email us, we will include them in our next newsletter.

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